Currently The Pillars of the Earth has a global rating of 5.0 and emotions have not yet been assigned.
In the Western the one that has best rated The Pillars of the Earth is Pisces with a score of 10.0 and the one that worsened was Leo with a score of 0.0.
In the Chinese the one that has best rated The Pillars of the Earth is Rat with a score of 10.0 and the one that worsened was Horse with a score of 0.0.
The genre that The Pillars of the Earth liked the most is Mens with a score of 10.0 and the Women gender that least liked me with a score of 0.0.
Each person has an opinion on The Pillars of the Earth. If, for example, you want to share series with someone who is "Genderqueer / Virgo / Pig" and someone who is "Women / Aries / Dragon", here you can know if they are going to enjoy it. We believe that a global rating is fine, but if we can make it more personal much better.
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This information changes as the community interacts and grows, so if you enter in a while the values may not be the same, but they will be more precise. Every time you rate, comment or share your emotions, information about The Pillars of the Earth is updated and improved. The more opinions there are, the better and more accurate the information we will have. When you or anyone shares your choice, you are helping the entire community.
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The Pillars of the Earth
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